Monday, March 14, 2005

Blogging From San Jose

For once I can say that I badly needed and deserved spring break! Teaching three classes a week, answering all the questions only freshman undergrads can come up with and taking two courses, one of which I still have no clue about what's going on, tired me out much more than I imagined. Although I am not sure if I am tired because I think I am tired or if I am really tired...but that is altogether a different topic. So, I travelled down from Idaho to San Jose, California to spend time with my good friend Vignesh and to see for myself what silicon valley and everything else california is so famous for.

It was quite a journey coming down here, all of which took a full day. An eighty mile bus ride from Moscow, Id to the airport at Spokane ,WA; then onto Denver where I was stuck at the aiport for 4 hrs first due to airline delay and then because of a snow storm(!), and finally on to silicon valley.

Vignesh seems to have become slightly more portly than he was when I last saw him a year and half ago, but I am not entirely sure of that. He was always portly!

Yesterday evening's visit to the Golden Gate bridge and the wilderness areas upon the sorrounding hills was a marvellous experience.

I think I should end this post here before it becomes a travel diary! But expect more posts about experiences from San Jose.

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